divergent media

Announcing ClipWrap 2.6.2

We’ve just released ClipWrap 2.6.2 for our direct-sales customers. This is an exciting update, and is recommended for all users. Mac App Store customers will be able to download the update shortly, once approved by Apple. If you’re not already using ClipWrap, take a look at the free trial today.

  • Enables parallel file processing
  • Adds “optimize output” dropdown for app-specific conversion
  • Dramatically improved performance for files used with Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Improved audio sync


ClipWrap 2.6.1 update

ClipWrap 2.6.1 adds support for the datavideo technologies 100 megabit mpeg-2 format. In addition, it provides a variety of updates and enhancements for all users. Complete changes are below.


Converting Damaged Files with ClipWrap

Occasionally when using ClipWrap, you’ll run into a file that will fail to convert and will instead display an “err parsing file” message. We’ve found that these errors are almost always due to one of two things.


ClipWrap 2.6 Update

We’ve just released a free update to ClipWrap for all users. Available in both the Mac App Store, via in-app autoupdate, or from our trial page. This update adds support for PsF modes in recent cameras.

New in this version:

  • Support for PSF modes of Canon C100.
  • Support for PSF modes of Panasonic SD800.


Optimizing ClipWrap for Premiere Pro CS6

We’ve recently released ClipWrap 2.5.8, which includes some enhancements for workflows that involve Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.

If your workflow involves using rewrapped files inside Premiere Pro CS6, there’s a tweak you can make to ClipWrap which will enhance performance even further.

Open Terminal (in the Utilities folder, inside Applications) and run this command:

defaults write -app clipwrap iMovieAVCHD YES

After executing that, files rewrapped by ClipWrap will have much faster thumbnail indexing in Premiere, and much more fluid timeline skimming.

If you ever need to disable this feature (it can cause glitches when using files in versions of Final Cut Pro X prior to 10.0.5) run this command:

defaults write -app clipwrap iMovieAVCHD NO


ClipWrap 2.5.8 Update

After a busy week ironing out issues for the Mac App Store, we’re releasing our first update targeting both App Store and direct customers. Check out what’s new, and how we plan to deploy updates to App Store and direct customers going forward.

ClipWrap 2.5.8 changes the way we format rewrapped AVCHD files


ClipWrap is Available in the Mac App Store! 

We’ve been hard at work over the past few months readying ClipWrap for sale in Apple’s Mac App Store, and as a current customer, we wanted to let you know that it’s now available. To celebrate, we’re offering a deal for current customers.


Using ClipWrap with OS X 10.8

If you’ve upgraded to OS X 10.8 (“Mountain Lion”), you’ve probably noticed that AVCHD content is handled a bit differently than in previous versions of OS X. Depending on your workflow, this may require that you change your process a bit when working with ClipWrap. This post will walk you through those changes.


Understanding Audio

Until recently, audio in the digital video world was about as simple as can be. Whether you were shooting DV or DigiBeta, DVCProHD or Digital8, you were recording your audio as something called Linear PCM. As with everything else in this mixed up, modern world, things have gotten a bit more complicated. This blog post will introduce you to the exciting world of digital audio.


ClipWrap 2.5.3 Update

We’ve just release ClipWrap 2.5.3. The full release notes are available below.

ClipWrap 2.5.3 only runs on Intel Macs running Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8. We’ve made made this switch in order to support the Gatekeeper function within Mac OS X 10.8 (“Mountain Lion”). Without making this change, users on the newest release of Mac OS X would be unable to run ClipWrap with the default security policy.

In spite of this change, we still fully support our PowerPC and Mac OS X 10.5 users. The previous release of ClipWrap, 2.5.2, remains available for download from our trial page and support will be more than happy to assist with any questions.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

ClipWrap v2.5.3 is a maintenance release, primarily intended to provide support for Mac OS X 10.8 (“Mountain Lion”)


  • Support for Mac OS X 10.8 (“Mountain Lion”)
  • Signed binary
  • ClipWrap now remembers the last five locations selected
